South Plains College Vocational Nursing Program
Reese Center - January 2024 Information
Application DEADLINE: Noon, October 18, 2023
Class positions are limited.

- Immunizations:
- o current TB test
- o Tdap
- o MMR [2 doses]
- o Hepatitis B [3 doses],
- o Varicella [2 doses]
- o Flu shot
- o Covid [depends on brand]
- CPR for Health Care Provider by the American Heart Association [Suggested CPR Sources: Health & Safety Solutions – 745-8277 OR First Response Resources – 791-2582.] Be sure that you get the correct CPR—we cannot accept other types!
If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Steffy at 806-716-4623 or email at
To see Financial Aid Cost of Attendance Click here
Suggested Financial Aid Resources Please contact these resources directly
**Nursing Program faculty and staff cannot advise about these resources**
The program and courses within the program are subject to approval and changes mandated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Texas Board
of Nursing.
Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Vocational Nursing program
The Vocational Nursing program is a twelve-month curriculum, designed to prepare accountable, responsible graduate nurses to practice ready to provide direct patient care in a variety of health care settings.
Students completing this curriculum receive a Certificate of Proficiency and
are eligible to apply to take the State Board Exam (NCLEX) for Licensed Practical Nurse Licensure.
South Plains College LVN program is approved by:
Texas Board of Nursing
333 Guadalupe Street #3-460
Austin, TX 78701 (512)305-7400
Complete the following before applying for admission:
Apply for Admission with South Plains College
Be Texas Success Initiative (TSI) compliant.
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better
Have a computer with a webcam and have internet access while enrolled in the nursing program.
Criminal Background Certification
The following are the questions that each candidate for licensure must answer. You may access the full information form the BON’s website at
1. Are you enrolled, planning to enroll, or have you graduated from a nursing program?
Type of Nursing Program: (circle one) LVN ADN Diploma BSN
Date of Enrollment: _________________________
- Write Yes or No for any criminal offense, including those pending appeal: (Please answer in each space provided)
_____A. been convicted of a misdemeanor?
_____B. been convicted of a felony?
_____C. pled nolo contendere, no contest, or guilty?
_____D. received deferred adjudication.
_____E. been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
_____F. been sentenced to serve jail or prison time? Court-ordered confinement?
_____G. been granted pre-trial diversion.
_____H. been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
_____I. been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
_____J. been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment/punishment/action?
You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations. You will need a declaratory order for arrests while a minor.
NOTE: Expunged and Sealed Offenses:
While expunged or sealed offenses, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed, it is your responsibility to ensure the offense, arrest, ticket or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed. It is recommended that you submit a copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in question to our office with your application. Failure to reveal an offense, arrest, ticket, or citation that is not in fact expunged or sealed, will at a minimum, subject your license to a disciplinary fine. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises questions related to truthfulness and character.
NOTE: Orders of Non-Disclosure:
Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.142(b), if you have criminal matters that are the subject of an order of non-disclosure you are not required to reveal those criminal matters on this form. However, a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure may become a character and fitness issue. Pursuant to other sections of the Gov’t Code chapter 411, the Texas Nursing Board is entitled to access criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure. If the Board discovers a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure, even if you properly did not reveal that matter, the Board may require you to provide information about any conduct that raises issues of character.
- [ ] Yes [ ] No Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency investigation?
- [ ] Yes [ ] No Has any licensing authority refused to issue you a license or ever revoked, annulled, cancelled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a license, certificate or multi-state privilege held by you now or previously, or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you?
- [ ] Yes [ ] No *Within the past five (5) years have you been addicted to and/or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug?
- [ ] Yes [ ] No *Within the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed with, treated, or hospitalized for schizophrenia and/or psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder?*
If “YES” indicate the condition: [ ] schizophrenia and/or psychotic disorders, [ ] bipolar disorder, [ ] paranoid personality disorder, [ ] antisocial personality disorder, [ ] borderline personality disorder *Pursuant to Occupations Code §301.207, information regarding a person’s diagnosis or treatment for a physical condition, mental condition, or chemical dependency is confidential to the same extent that information collected as part of an investigation is confidential under the Occupations Code §301.466. You may indicate “NO” if you have completed and/ or are in compliance with Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN) for substance abuse or mental illness.
I, the Petitioner referenced in this application, acknowledge this document is a legal document and I attest that the statements herein contained are true in every respect. I understand that no one else may submit this form on my behalf and that I am accountable and responsible for the accuracy of any answer or statement on this form. Further, I understand that it is a violation of the 22 TAC § 217.12 (6)(I) and the Penal Code, sec 37.10, to submit a false statement to a government agency; and I consent to release of confidential information to the Texas Board of Nursing and further authorize the Board to use and to release said information
as needed for the evaluation and disposition of my application.
I understand that if I have any questions regarding this affidavit I should contact an attorney or the appropriate professional health provider.
I will immediately notify the Board if at any time after signing this affidavit I no longer meet the eligibility requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: What are the hours once in the nursing program?
A: Class times are Monday through Friday 8-4.
Clinical days are 2nd & 3rd semester: 3 days per week and we do not have a 4th semester.
- Q: Can I work while in the nursing program?
A: We do not advise students to work while they are enrolled in our nursing program, however that is ultimately the student’s choice. The nursing school workload is vigorous so if you choose to work, please plan accordingly, and stay organized and on top of your schoolwork.
- Q: Is nursing school hard?
A: Yes. Nursing school is hard, as it should be. We are training you to care for peoples’ lives.
- Q: What is the minimum required GPA?
A: You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to be eligible to apply to our nursing programs.
- Q: Can I take the nursing classes online or at night?
A: No. We do not offer any of our nursing classes online or at night.
- Q: Can I take more classes a semester or during the summer to get ahead and finish the program earlier?
A: No. Our program is set up on a strict curriculum and there are no variances allowed from that curriculum.
- Q: Will my classes from another college transfer to SPC?
A: All non-nursing courses that were taken at Regionally Accredited College/University should transfer with no problem, but you will need to check with the registrar to be sure. If you are trying to transfer nursing courses into our program from another nursing program you will have to discuss that with the Director of our program. The Director must look at the program you were at and how the courses were taught to see if they will be able to substitute for our courses and all nursing courses must be completed within one year to be considered for transfer. On average most nursing courses will not transfer into our program because every program is set up differently.